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Neuro-Developmental  Delay (NDD)

Neuro-Developmental Delay refers to the immature functioning of the Central Nervous System. This immaturity is evidenced by the presence of primitive reflexes, the underdevelopment of postural reflexes and a host of other neurological markers.


When a child has NDD they tend to struggle with attention, balance, and coordination. These are areas that should be automatic. This allows the rest of the brain to focus on higher learning skills. Reflexes that have not integrated or emerged at the appropriate times in development can impact the way the rest of the brain develops.


Each child is different and NDD effects each child in a unique way. Some of the most common symptoms include:


  • Emotional instability/behavior problems

  • Poor hand-eye coordination

  • Difficulties in school especially in reading, writing, and math.

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Hypersensitivity


  • Motion sickness

  • Decreased immune system

  • Inflexibility

The NDD therapy program works developmentally, at the lowest point breakdown has occurred and builds up from there. Each child has their own developmental PATTERN and NDD looks at each child individually and helps us to determine the best integration program for that child. Our program/therapy does not label children and we do not use medications! We use research-based methods and exercises to help the reflexes do their job. An exercise that mimics the pattern of a reflex while it integrates or starts to emerge allows development to happen as it should in normal development. This helps the Central Nervous System to mature and start to focus on higher learning skills.

It is common to see improvements in:



  • Coordination and balance

  • Attention 

  • Confidence

  • Reading, writing and math

  • Behavioral issues

  • Social skills

  • Anxiety

  • Emotion regulation

  • Dyslexia symptoms

  • General maturity

The children I have had the pleasure of working with and observing are making astonishing changes that will provide them with a successful future! I am hopeful to help your child to succeed to their fullest potential!

NDD Therapy gave my family renewed hope and now I want to pass this hope along to other families.


"The best feeling in the world is finally knowing you took a step in the right direction. A step towards the future where everything that you never thought was possible, is possible!"

Thank you for visiting Patterns of Hope. If you have any further questions please call, text or email me!


We look forward to giving you hope!


(720) 837-8459


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